Monday, February 26, 2007

Journey of Life

Short Story-

"Lets go for a walk", said Rahul.

"Yippee. Lets go", said Swetha, almost jumping out of her seat.

It was yet another boring day in the Mysore training institute. Dusk
was breaking in. Swetha had already taken two breaks since lunch.
Nevertheless, she had been anticipating Rahul's invitation for
another break.

Rahul and Swetha had known each other for the last couple of months.
They had been together since the training days. People knew them as
the best of friends. Rahul, the regular T-D-H type, who spoke with a
heavy Bengali accent, was a popular flirt in the DC. On the other
hand, Swetha was a chubby sweet little girl, who was always on the
lookout for sorrow souls. They enjoyed being in each other's company.
Swetha would disclose all his crushes to Rahul, and Rahul would
always be seen taking classes from Swetha, on how to impress a girl in 24
hours. Rahul had helped Swetha to forget her 7-year-old single lane
relationship and Swetha would see to it that Rahul would never be
lonely. Most of the time, they were together. People admired, some
even sneered with jealousy, the relation that these two shared.

The walk today was unusually long. "This is gonna be one of our last
walks", muttered Rahul in a low tone.
"I know", replied Swetha in a soft, almost inaudible voice.

Mysore DC had completed the long cycle training and the postings had
been announced the previous day. Swetha was posted at Mysore base
location, while Rahul would have to shift to Bangalore . Even though
they both always knew that they had to separate one day... they did
not expect it to happen so soon.
Swetha, who belonged to the sentimental group, looked at Rahul and
managed to pass a disguised smile. "I tried my best for a swap. The
HRC is stubborn. She is still holding on to 'EURP P.U. doesn't
encourage swaps.' I cannot stay here alone Rahul."

"I swear, I am gonna miss you badly too dear" replied Rahul, again
faking a smile.
"Hey don't worry sweetie, Mysore is just three hours from Bangalore .
Just call me and I will be here." said Rahul, trying to cheer her up,
though his words did not light up Swetha's face. She just replied
with a frown. "You will be busy with your new girl
friends and your work. You will soon forget me"

"Hey come on!" said an offended Rahul. "You are my best friend. Can
I ever forget you dear?"

"You just wait and see", came an almost sobbing reply.

"Don't start crying dear." Said Rahul with a gloomy face... "Oh...
by the way... it's getting late... let's go back" he said, taking a

~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

As destiny wanted...... ... the next week saw Rahul packing his bags
for Bangalore , while Swetha moved out of her PG, to a rented apartment
closer to her office. They parted with a few wet handkerchiefs. The
bus started moving. Rahul looking through the Volvo glass was trying
to say something to Swetha. His actions deciphered, as "I will call
u when I reach there. Gonna miss you. Take care... Bye-Bye"

Swetha was comforted by her own tears. She felt very lonely, as if
she had lost something. Something, very precious. Consoling herself,
she went back to her room, shut the door, and started sobbing again.
She had found a very good friend in Rahul, and he was her major
support. She had no clue in the beginning that she would get so much
attached and more important... too much dependent on him. She sobbed
herself to sleep.

A couple of hours later, she heard her mobile ringing. One look at
the tiny screen, which happened to display, "Rahul calling..." and she
was overjoyed. She answered the call with a "Hey... You reached so
soon? How was the trip?"

"Yo dear! Just reached. Bangalore seems to be bliss. The climate is
almost like Mysore . It is wonderful... though Mysore was better....
Coz I miss you badly here..."

"I miss you too dear," said Swetha... trying to stop her tears. They
talked on for almost an hour. Swetha was all the time advising him, on
what to do and what not to do. And Rahul was responding with a "Yes
dear" "Of course I will" "Sure, I wont"
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

A couple of days had gone by. They used to call each other every day.
They did not miss the good morning / good evening / how are you / I
am fine ... SMS almost every hour. Thanks to the Airtel to Airtel
free SMS scheme. Slowly the days went by. Two weeks had past since they

That Saturday, Rahul called up Swetha in the morning and said... "Hey
Swetha... you know what... I am gonna have a terrific weekend. We are
going to check out Nandi hills today."

"We? What do you mean by we?" asked a puzzled Swetha.
"Oh Oh. I completely forgot to tell you about my new friend. She is
so cute. We are in the same project. We both are going to the hill
station. Just about to leave... So thought of calling you up and say
a hi."

Somehow the "hi" was not so enticing for Swetha. Back there, she was
finding it hard to talk to anyone after Rahul left, while on the other
hand, someone had already taken her place in Rahul's life. She
managed to mumble out "That's great Rahul. Have a nice time... and enjoy
yourself." She was kinda upset, but dint show it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

Days went by and Swetha was feeling that the distance between her and
Rahul was slowly increasing.

Then one day... the phone at her desktop rang. "Swetha... you have to
go to Bangalore for one week to gather the details of our APPLE
project". It was the voice of her PM. Swetha could hardly believe her
ears. "Wow! What luck! I can meet Rahul for a week," she said to
herself. She was very much happy and excited over this new twist. As
luck would have it... it was Rahul's birthday next week. She thought
of giving him a big surprise. Therefore, she hid the news from him.

Next week, Swetha was in Bangalore . Thanks to the huge crowd of
people, she managed to go unnoticed by anyone, especially Rahul, for
the first day. It was evening. She had left office early. She went to
the market and brought some beautiful flowers. She had been waiting
for this day. Flowers have this magical way of pleasing people... and
so she was choosy in selecting them. Rahul was her best friend, and
she cared a lot about him.

Taking the flowers home, she had her dinner and was waiting for time
to pass. She knew Rahul's address... she left the hotel at 11:30 and
hired a taxi to reach Rahul's place. It was a short distance away, so
she reached pretty soon. She groped around and found out his flat. The
lights were still on. She frowned. She wanted this to be a
magnificent surprise and hence had expected him to be sleeping.
Nevertheless, she
timidly went to the door and rang the bell. The door opened in a few
seconds... There was Rahul. "Happy birthday..." said Swetha. Rahul was
stunned. He could not believe his eyes. Taking the flowers, he said.
"Oh gosh! Thank you so much Swetha. I never expected you... come on...
come inside..." Swetha removed her shoes and went in. Little did she
knew that there was a bigger surprise waiting for her inside. She saw
that the room was decorated and there was a birthday cake, which had
candles on it. There was a pretty girl standing there in blue denims
and a red top.

"Err... Swetha let me introduce you to Neha. And Neha, this is my
friend Swetha" The girls exchanged smiles and said Hi to each other.
Swetha felt uncomfortable. She wanted to be the first one to wish him
on his birthday. But look here! It seemed that someone else had
already done it. Still, controlling her feelings, she did not react.
They sang the birthday song together, cut the cake, and had fun. The
Party was over. Swetha said, "Rahul, it's getting late, I will leave
now. Can you tell me where can I find a taxi?"

"Hey, are u nuts or what? It is very late. You don't need to go
anywhere. Sleep here tonight. Even Neha has decided to stay back."

Swetha would never have accepted this, but the last line "Even Neha
has decided to stay back" drove her to say, "Well, if you insist, I
will stay back."

The next day morning, once again Shweta wished Rahul and left for her

Work was hectic. She met Rahul for his dinner party in the evening.
Neha was with him. She found this annoying, but as usual, did not
utter a word.

The next day morning, she called Rahul and said... "You mean fellow,
you haven't shown me around Bangalore . I am free today evening. Take
me to the good places"

"Sure we will do that baby." Was his reply. The day was boring for
Swetha with not much work to do. She waited
until five and then buzzed him on his cell. "Where are you Rahul?
Come on... let's go!"

"Oh... I am so sorry Swetha; I have this telecon thing... I am gonna
be late... just wait for some time... please dear"

"Sure I will wait dear, you finish your work. Tell me where are u, I
will come there and cheer you up", said Swetha.

"Hey that's fine dear. No need to take any trouble... Besides, Neha
is also here."

Swetha was surprised. She had not expected him to say this. This
time, not knowing how to react... she was searching for words to
reply... she struggled and said... "Well.. err ... Rahul.. I am.. err
very tired.. I think I will go back... err.. Let us go tomorrow..."
Rahul replied "Wow, that's fine... no problem. We will surely go
tomorrow okay, thanks a ton Swetha for understanding."

Unfortunately tomorrow never came. Rahul was busy with one thing or
the other. She was feeling all the more lonely and desolate. The
feeling that Neha had replaced her position sank her. A frustrated
and irritated Swetha was waiting for her last day in Bangalore .

That day, she did not expect Rahul to call her. So to inform him that
she is leaving, she called him in the evening and told him that she is
leaving in an hour. She was shocked by Rahul's reply. "Oh I am so
sorry dear; I won't be able to come to see you off. Today I have a
very important meeting, I am really sorry yaar." "Its okay Rahul",
said Swetha, thinking at the back of her mind... what meeting could
Rahul possible have after office hours.

Heartbroken by the crushing changes she found in her best friend, she
left for the Majestic bus station and boarded her bus. She kept on
looking outside as if she was expecting a miraculous surprise. But no
one turned up. Resting her head on the slide seat, she closed her
eyes. Memories of those wonderful times spent with Rahul were
flashing in front of her eyes. She did not have any grudges that Rahul had
replaced her, but what pricked her was how easily she was forgotten
and forsaken. The journey was perhaps the dullest and saddest for

Back in Mysore , and back to work, Shweta was trying to cope up with
life. After a week, Rahul called her up. She did not want to create an
issue, but just could not stand it. She blurted out everything. She
asked him to give an explanation. His reply was "Look Swetha, you are
a very good friend of mine. But now, there is someone more important
in my life. Someone with more priority. Swetha... I am in love with
Neha." The words were so cold that Swetha could feel its bite.
Gathering all the bits of her remaining calm, she sobbed and said. "I
don't have any problem with that Rahul. But falling in love doesn't
essentially mean that you have to forsake your old friends"

"You have never fallen in love. What will you know about love,

Rahul's words shattered her heart. She had never expected to hear
this from the person she cared and loved the most. She quietly cut the
phone. She shut her eyes tight and cried.

That night it rained.
____________ _________ _________ ___

This story is based on a true-life story. The names of the characters
have been changed to protect their identities.

We should never forget our friends, coz it hurts. It hurts a lot,
when you feel that you have been replaced... when you have been forsaken...

and when you have been forgotten and when you are no longer wanted.

That is one side of the story. The other side faces the truth. Swetha
has embraced the changes in her relationship and is carrying on
smoothly with life.
She has learned an important lesson of life...

Life is a journey.
Whatever happens, pick up your baggage and move on.
The show must go on and its going on.
p.s. I read this fantastic story in yahoogroup mail, and felt that this is one of the best practical story which may happan in anybody life.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007



elixer of life- look forward

When I am bogged by desertation and isolation and feeling of lonliness I happen to read this wonderful Poem, which inspired and gave me a sense of confidence.... I don't know the author of this poem, anyhow my gratitude to him for making my spirit alive!!!!!

Dont look backwards--

As you travel through life, there are always those times

When decisions just have to be made;

When the choices are hard and solutions seem scarce,

And the rain seems to soak your parade.

There are some situations where all you can do

Is to simply let go and move on,

Gather courage together and choose a direction

That carries you toward a new dawn.

So pack up your troubles and take a step forward

-The process of change can be tough,

But think about all the excitement ahead,

If you can be stalwart enough.

There could be adventures you never imagined

Just waiting around the next bend

-And wishes and dreams just about to come true

In ways you can't yet comprehend.

Perhaps you'll find friendships that spring from new interests

As you challenge your status quo,

And you learn there are so many options in life

And so many ways you can grow.

Perhaps you'll go places you never expected

And see things you've never seen -Or travel to fabulous far-away worlds

And wonderful spots in between.

Perhaps you'll find warmth and affection and caring

-A "somebody special" who's there

To help you stay centered and listen with interest

To stories and feelings you share.

Perhaps you'll find comfort in knowing your friends

Are supportive of all that you do -And believe that whatever decisions you make,

They'll be the right choices for you.

So keep putting one foot in front of the other,And taking your life day by day.

There's a brighter tomorrow that's just down the road,

Don't look back, you're not going that way.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

to ponder!!!

Charles Schultz Philosophy

The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the"Peanuts" comic strip. You don't have to actually answer the questions.Just read the e-mail straight through, and you'll get the point.

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America Contest.
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor andactress.
6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.

How did you do?The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. Theseare no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields.
But theapplause dies.
Awards tarnish.
Achievements are forgotten.
Accolades andcertificates are buried with their owners.

Here's an other quiz. See how you do on this one:

1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time withEasier?

The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not theones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. Theyare the ones that care.

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today.
It's already tomorrow in Australia."(Charles Schultz)