Thursday, July 31, 2008

simply amazing

Simply amazing, how it could be possible, defying the gravity???
Johan Lorbeer is a German street performer. He became famous in the past few years because of his "Still-Life" Performances, which took place in the public area. His installations includes "Proletarian Mural" and "Tarzan", which are famous in Germany. Several of these performances feature Lorbeer in an apparently impossible position. Johan Lorbeer is a German street performer. He became famous in the past few years because of his "Still-Life" Performances, which took place in the public area. His installations includes "Proletarian Mural" and "Tarzan", which are famous in Germany. Several of these performances feature Lorbeer in an apparently impossible position. With his still-life performances, this German artist seems to unhinge the laws of gravity. For hours on time, he remains, as a living work of art, in physically impossible positions. Elevated or reduced to the state of a sculpture, he interacts with the bewildered and irritated audience, whose appetite for communication rises as time goes by, often culminating in the wish to touch the artist in his superhuman, angelic appearance in order to participate in his abilities.
See to believe???
I got this article from email:

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Discipline is essential.. but to this extend!?! FUNNY ISNT..SOO CUTE AND NICE...

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

say wow

There is no end to creative expression, I am amazed to see this paper art. It seems an A4 size paper was used to cut and made in to a beautiful art expression, in shot, gave life to an ordinary paper!! See and enjoy.. kudos to the artist...

Monday, July 07, 2008

reflections of nature

Master and the Servant?!
railway track.
lane in the wilderness
Ship of the desert in fertile land.
Camel cart
Peacock in plenty
An subway passage -under water!
Camel carts are common in Baroda
the road to nature!
Chandru aiming for perfect shot!?

C Cheerful salutes by kids
Green fields
Lotus beauty!
Eternal partner Lilly n lotus !?

Cranes with farmers - may be searching for feeds!!

Plucking Lotus - man on the job

Lotus Pond - a rare sight now-a-days

This weekend went for a round to take snaps from in and around baroda, u may call " Nature tour". we came across fertile villages, jublient children, peacocks in plenty, and agricultural fields are ready for the monsoon!!!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

monsoon magic

Monsoon is playing hide and seek in Baroda... as on 1st of July 2008, heavy showers were not experienced in this part. But a ray of hope, yesterday, clouds envelopes the sky.. awaiting for sky to open...

nice movie

Last friday, the first day first show on the release in Baroda, watch the movie, DASAVATHARAM, fantastic movie, nevertheless, could not comprehend the story, hence going again today...!!!!
Before understanding the story line of DASAVATHARAM one should know what is Butterfuly Effect, the performance of Padmashree Kamal is excellent, but it is little difficult to comprehend the story: the logic behind the flying butterfly in the movie refers the theory:- the idea that a butterfly's wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that may ultimately alter the path of a tornado or delay, accelerate or even prevent the occurrence of a tornado in a certain location. The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale alterations of events. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different. Of course the butterfly cannot literally cause a tornado. The kinetic energy in a tornado is enormously larger than the energy in the turbulence of a butterfly. The kinetic energy of a tornado is ultimately provided by the sun and the butterfly can only influence certain details of weather events in a chaotic manner.
Recurrence, the approximate return of a system towards its initial conditions, together with sensitive dependence on initial conditions are the two main ingredients for chaotic motion. They have the practical consequence of making complex systems, such as the weather, difficult to predict past a certain time range
DASAVATHARAM, story has the underlying themes of Chaos theory and chain of events. It begins with the 12th century with a conflict between the worshipers of two Gods namely Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu. The king being a Lord Shiva devotee decides to sink the Vishnu idol which is opposed by Rangarajan(kamal), a vishnu devotee. So the king ties rangarajan with the idol and drowns them in the sea.The story propels forward to the current century, where a very harmful bio-chemical weapon is invented in the United States for defense purposes. However, following a hazardous leak, Govindarajan (the protagonist, played again by Kamal), decides to prevent it from being used. There are people who are not happy with this decision, and decide to stop him by hiring an Ex-CIA assassin Christian Fletcher (Again, Kamal). The Virus somehow lands in a cargo shipment that is on its way to Chennai, India. Govindrajan and Fletcher race to the other end of the world, in a bid to conquer this vial. The rest of the movie is a cat and mouse game, into which many other characters (most played by Kamal himself, in keeping with the theme of the movie), are drawn.The movie reaches a dramatic conclusion when the protagonist Govindarajan fails to stop the leakage of the virus (Fletcher consumes it and hence causes it to decay his body and spread onto the beach shore). This act would have destroyed a million lives, except that it is already established that the virus can be neutralized by pouring down tons and tons of NaCl.The chaos theory takes control again, with Tsunami rocking the seashores of Chennai, one that brings with it tons of NaCl, courtesy the salty sea water. This miracle is linked to the incidents that occurred back in the 12th century (the god sunk in the sea centuries ago,although killing thousands saves the lives of millions in the form of Tsunami) conferring that everything happens for a reason and god exists.
The ten roles Kamala Hasan plays in the movie are
1 The hero/Scientist,
2 Villan Ex-CIA assassin ,- fantastic casting
3 an old lady,
4 the vishnu devotee,
5 intellegence officer(indian), - Telugu - excellent peformance.
6 tall muslim,
7. a scheduled caste leader,- my favourite and i like the dialogue delivery and the make up
8 a japanese martial arts guy,
9 a punjabi pop singer and
10 George Bus
The songs also very good.. initially the songs did not made an impact, but repeated hearing made the songs a favourite hit.