Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year a better year !

New Year Resolutions !

Every year almost all of us at least think of taking some new year resolutions, many successfully follow the resolutions, many faces stumbling blocks and their resolutions fades gradually, lets look some of the common resolutions and how to follow (!) at least some.

Top New Year Resolutions[1]
  • § Lose Weight
    § Pay Off Debt
    § Save Money
    § Get a Better Job
    § Get Fit
    § Eat Right
    § Get a Better Education
    § Drink Less Alcohol
    § Quit Smoking Now
    § Reduce Stress Overall
    § Reduce Stress On-the-Job
    § Take a Trip
    § Volunteer to Help Others

How to make your New Year Resolutions successful: -

To be successful with your own resolutions, Marlatt[2], who has studied the subject for more than 20 years, suggests:
• Have a strong initial commitment to make a change.

• Have coping strategies to deal with problems that will come up.
• Keep track of your progress. The more monitoring you do and feedback you get, the better you will do.

Sure-fire ingredients for setting yourself up for resolution failure, he adds, include:

• not thinking about making resolutions until the last minute.
• Reacting on New Year's Eve and making your resolutions based on what's bothering you or is on your mind at that time.
• Framing your resolutions as absolutes by saying, "I will never do X again."

Marlatt has these suggestions: "Take credit for success when you achieve a resolution, but it is a mistake to blame yourself if you fail. Instead, look at the barriers that were in your way. See how you can do better the next time and figure out a better plan to succeed. You do get to try again and can make behavior changes throughout the year, not only at New Year's."



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