Monday, May 28, 2007


I read an article about the greatness of Mother Terasa.

Mother Terasa started orphanage in Kolkatta. Once there was a new abandoned baby. She took it along with her for moblising funds. She went to a street and one shop keeper refused to donate.

She persistantly stood at the shop. She was asking money for the baby. The shop keeper refused.

Again Mother asked, again the shop-keeper refused. This was going on for quite some time. The Shop-Keeper starts abusing Mother. But Mother was undettered.

The Shop-Keeper in rage, spitted on Mother Terasa.

But Still, the Great Mother was unnerved.

She told the Shop-keeper, this is for me... "I dont care, but please give some thing for the baby" as the baby was an abandoned baby and we want to look after her.

The Shop-keeper realised his mistake, he felt ashamed for his shameless act.. He realised that this is not an ordinary lady and he found the greatness of the soul and immediately he donanted for the noble cause!!!

what a noble soul..... truely an unforgettable instance, a single human can make a difference....
Truely compassionate....

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

good night and good morning

Many people are suffering from sleep disorders. If there is good night sleep, then the next day would be fresh and energetic. If one is devoid of good sleep then the next day would be lethargic and tired. I had read this tips to good sleep, which I feel would be helpful.

Keep the TV away from the bedroom

Take a cool shower before going to bed.

Wear loose cotton clothes - no rough denims or jeans please.

Fix a sleeping schedule and stick to the routine honestly.

Is the pillow good enough ? In a lot of cases, pillows and incomforable mattress may lead to sleep disorders.

Reduce intake of spices, chocolates and caffeine, especially after dinner.

The old granny's trick - take a glass of warm milk just before going to bed.

If you are worried about something that preventing your from sleeping, try to think of ways to resolve it. Opening a discussion with the partner may help.

Do some physical work or Yoga exercises some 3-4 hours before the sleeping time.

There should be a healthy gap between your dinner and sleeping time.

Sex with your partner before bedtime will also aid in getting a good sleep.

If your mind is flooded with ideas and tasks for the next day, jot them down on a piece of paper so that you get relaxed.

When nothing helps, tune in to some Worldspace Radio station for soft, slow, relaxing music like jazz, folk or orchestral pieces.

I hope these sleeping tricks will help you sleep, stay asleep, and wake up refreshed next day.

Sweet Dreams.