Friday, January 04, 2008

wishing new year greetings 2008

Its time for a new beginings... Wishing you all a very happy 2008 !!!

Ofcourse year comes and year goes... but what really matters is every year we are gaining new experience, new knowledge and new acquitances.

We may resolve to do certain things and not to do certain things, but at the end of the year, what we acheived matters.

Any how we may not have acheived what we want to do but it is always good to plan and resolve some thing constructive to do in the new year.

One of my resolve in the new year is to update blog periodically.,

let us peek in to the common resolutions - the global top 10!!!

1. Spend More Time with Family & Friends
2. Fit in Fitness
3. Tame the Bulge
4. Quit Smoking
5. Enjoy Life More
6. Quit Drinking
7. Get Out of Debt
8. Learn Something New
9. Help Others
10. Get Organized

It is not a bad idea to copy and follow some of the above common resolutions, at it is universally valid.

Once again wishing a happy new year 2008.

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