Wednesday, April 30, 2008

hi kooo

it is cloudy here,,, from the window overlooking green flowery garden, in consenance with todays weather... springs this hi-kooo!!!! u may have to visualise to enjoy the spirit....

0n the green avenue,
full of fallen leaves,
soiled and purtified smell,
....reminisce of overnight showers.....

Thursday, April 24, 2008

amazing isnt

Creativity at its best.... art work by using only vegetables... see it carefully, you could find this art was made only using various kind of vegetables, amazing isnt...

Friday, April 11, 2008


தாத்தாவின் மூக்குக் கண்ணாடிகை தவறி விழும் முன் சொன்னேன்rttr 'Sorry ' தாத்தா என்று …!

தூங்கும் போது கழுத்து வரைபோர்த்தி விடும் கருணை - தூக்கத்திலும் சொல்வேன்'Thanks ' ம்மா என்று …!

நாளை நண்பனின் பிறந்த நாள் - இன்றேவாழ்த்து அட்டையில் எழுதினேன்'Happy Birthday da' என்று …!

காலையில் நாளிதழ் படிக்கும் பொழுது எதிர் வீட்டுக்காரர்அவர் சொல்லும் முன் முந்திக் கொள்வேன்'Good Morning Uncle' என்று …!

கோயிலில் பத்தாம் வகுப்பு சிநேகிதி கணவனுடன்அவள் பேசும் முன் முடித்துக் கொள்வேன்'Hai' என்று …!

மாலையில் கடற்கரையில் என்னவள் - மணலில்அவள் விரல் பிடித்தே எழுதுவேன்'I Love You' என்று …!

இரவில் …வீட்டிற்கு செல்லும் வழியில் - காலைகுத்தியது முள் …'அம்மா' என்று
அலறினேன்குத்தியது முள்ளில்லை - என்னைகுத்திக் காட்டியது - என் தமிழ்


WOW what a wonderful tamil poem, i dont know, who the author is, anyhow my appreciation to the author of this beautiful and meaningful poem...

Courtesy to Chandru for forwarding this peom.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

a welcome relief

fully covered and rain at anytime
western side - cloud built-up
hurry my camera is not working due to fine dusts
squally winds throwing dust and sand, visibility becomes zero
thick dark clouds
other size, cloud cover expanding
gradual development of clouds
overcast on the other side

Development of thunderclouds

on 4th April 2008, there was unseasonal thunder showers, with squall in the parts of Vadodara.. overall many north western region also received rain fall. This is quite an unseasonal showers in this period, anyhow it cooled the atmosphere, and brings lot of relief to the people, who were perishing under scorting heat.. as summer is picking up here and temperature are soaring to 39deg censius.
The clouds starts developing by evening 4.30 pm, the sky becoming darker.. the darkening of sky started from the western side and it slowly begun to develop and cover the whole sky... in the process of spreading of clouds, there was a squall of winds... as high of 45 km per hour.. and the entire atmosphere becomes chill, moreover since the area was dry for the past 5 months, the wind looks like sand storm as the dust, sand and mud begun to fly and it become misty and hazzy, throws litter and dust every where... anyhow at the end it rained heavily and look like white washing of entire area.. much relief from the heat and a pleasant weekend ensured.

friends of the colony

can we call him browny!!!
Stray dog... one leg broken when he was puppy.... but now recovered

Vigilant neighbour hood - not soo friendly..
There are dozens of stray dogs in our colony... People are friendly with them... but for strangers, they are nightmares...
Our colony is patrolled by these dogs in the night.. They wont allow anything strange.. occational intruders like monkeys.. These dogs doing a wonderful job in the night... always barking and being alert.. ofcourse during day time most of the dogs are lethargic and sleepy and not bothered by human intervention... but the disadvantageous are they jump the fences, and make the place shabby after searching for foods in the dustbins, and drop the polythene covers here and there after searching for something to eat... also some times behave as nuisance!!! anyhow their services are worth appreciative to be considered as nuisance... so they can be called friends of society....

Monday, April 07, 2008

for all of us to remember

There was one time a very young boy, who used to spendtime playing by a tree. One day he got bored and he said to the tree, "I'm bored, I've played with these toys too many times!"The tree replied, "OK, you can climb up on me and play on mybranches." The boy got really happy with this suggestion and hehad a lot of fun playing and sitting high up, on the branches ofthe tree.
When he started school, he spent more time away from the tree,but one day he came back to it, and the tree was overjoyed to seeits young companion, and it encouraged him to climb on, but herefused. "My clothes are going to get dirty if I climb up onyou." So the tree thought for a while, and said, "OK, bring arope and tie it to me, and you can use my branches as a swing."The boy liked that idea, so he did that too, and would come backevery other day to sit for a while on that swing. Whenever he used to get hot, the tree told him to rest in its shade.
As he got older, and moved on to college, times became harder onhim and he ran short of food, so he went back to the tree which he had stopped visiting for a long time. The tree recognised himimmediately and welcomed him, but he was hungry and complained tothe tree, "I dont have any food to eat, my stomach is cringing with hunger." So the tree said, "Pull down my branches and takeoff the fruit, and fill yourself up." The young guy didnt evenhesitate, but jumped up and tore off one of the smaller branchesand ate to his fill. Over the weeks, he tore off all the branches and ate all the fruit.After the fruits had all gone, he went away and didnt come back to the tree.
When he reached his middle ages, he came back to thetree and said to it, "I have been very successful in life. I haveearned a lot of money, I have a huge house and I have found a great wife. Now I want to travel and see the world." The tree was now very old, but to help its long time companion, it didnt wait,and said, "Bring a saw, cut off my trunk and make a boat. Then you will see the wonders of the world." So again, without hesitation the man cut down the tree.
The same tree which he had played on, ate its fruit, laid in its shade; he cut it down and made a boat. As soon as it was finished, he sailed away and wasnt seen by his people again.
One day, an old man, walked past the tree. It hadnt recovered from the time he had cut it down. He went up to the tree, but didnt say anything.
He felt the tears coming down from his eyes. This time the tree spoke in a faint voice, "I'm sorry. I donthave a trunk for you to climb, nor fruit for you to eat, nor branches of shade for you to lie in. All I have now are my deep roots." The old man whispered, "That's fine. Tree roots are the best place to lie down, snuggle up and sleep after a long life."
The tree symbolizes our parents, and the boy symbolizes us.
The moral of the story is that we make use of our parents like tissue, and use them all up, and dont even give thanks, but they stay with us till the very end.

Friday, April 04, 2008

worthy trip

A fertile field.. something burning

Mahanandhi statue front view

On the way to Ahobilam, already getting dark.. dusk

On the way to Srisailam, impending rain

Ghat road to Mahanandhi from Srisailam..

The think forests and hills... dark and feary look

halt at Nandiyal.. near a check dam

Bathing at Mahanandhi temple - Tank.. outside one

Last month ie March 2008, planned a trip to Srisailam, Mahanandhi, Ahobilam in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh. Eventhough we visited Srisailam and Mahanandhi last Feb 08, we visited yet another trip with in-laws.. The highlight of the trips are 1. The fantastic cloudy and rainy weather, which made the trip memorable. The forest ghat roads after the rains was a treat to eyes.. Nature at it best.. some snaps from my Sony Cybershot -Digital camera...

Thursday, April 03, 2008

hw is this!!!

Creative statues are plenty across the world... they give the freedom to express their taughts, when there is freedom, the art blosooms, and gives new appeal, some of the above statues are make us to think beyond the ordinary....
enjoy.. the creative art!!!!