Sunday, June 10, 2012

the changes after the monsoon rain 2012

Today ie 10th June 2012, Baroda received its first pre-monsoon shower. From the morning there was passing clouds, but around 4.50 pm patches of cloud formation from south west darken and there was little heavy drops and after a few minutes it poured. However, the clouds was localized and clouds formation was not wide and big enough to cover the whole sky. It poured for just 5-10 minutes only. However it transformed the nature.. the pleasant smell of the soil ( shall we call Petrichor- which means the smell of the earth.. just got from googling), the wet road and overall cooling effect after the first rain is beyond words.. I am searching for words to express the feeling.. 

The normal date of onset of monsoon over this part (Baroda) is June 15th. I wonder how the nature is doing its duty punctually and systematically, I think we humans only not giving proper importance to the nature its due..

I wonder how systematically development of clouds occur prior to monsoon, as the sky here remains cloud less for the rest of the year.. I think only because of the SW Monsoon phenomena there is generation, formation and passage of clouds here, and there is no big hills around to block the clouds for rain formation. So it is sheer nature and the mechanism of the nature which forms the rain cycle.

In this SW 2012 i would like to capture the images and post here...

My first posing, before the first rain, how the Ground looks.. see the picture,.. the ground is grass free, with full of fine sand.. See how after the rains it transforms.. exciting.. just visit this page to see the transformation...

This year 2012, the progress of the monsoon is slow and after the first rain pre-monsoon shower on 5th June, heavy rain again on the night of 3rd July 2012. See down below, A picture of the ground, clicked on 4th July, morning.

see here for more updates...

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