Friday, February 01, 2013

winged pets..

The cage brought for the Guniea pigs is idle as we keeping the Guniea pigs  in open makeshift brick shelter. Hence, we thought of buying buying some pet birds.

Last week, ie on 26th Jan 2013, Saturday, from the pet shop, we brought some love birds, and after some internet search identified its name- it is Budgerigar- parakeet..We brought 4 birds.. also hung mud nest box by the side of the cage. Purchased its feed- grains from the vet shop.

As one male escaped the cage, leaving 3 female birds. Brought 3 more male birds. and now there are 3 pairs ( 6 birds) in the cage. Initially, I dont know how to identify a male / female bird. Internet search educated me that one can identify by cere- above the beak portion. If the beak is blue in colour it is male.  If the cere is white, then it is female.

They are noisy, and gives a fresh and lively feeling, there is overall sense of some life, movement and positive feeling.

some pics...


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