Sunday, March 23, 2014

Bangalore -Where is Mango showers this year?

23 March 2013, Sunday

Bangalore was always known for its pleasant weather; it would be great if we continue to have that kind of a pleasant climate. But this year 2014, March,  looks like we are headed for tough times. Barring few drizzles during the first week of March, there is absolutely no cloud formations in the everning so far this year. 

As per hearsay, Bangalore used to get round the year rains, and particulary Summer used to be pleasant in Bangalore. When I was young, during school vacations, used to visit Bangalore - during summer holidays like hillstations, Ooty, Kodaikanal to Bangalore, as we used to consider Bangalore as another cool place for Summer Solance....

However, now the things changed. This March temp touching 30 to 35 deg C range., and no cloud formations in the evening. Old Bangalorieans used to tell, that in Olden days, whenever the temp sours it invariably rains in the evening at Bangalore. I am yearing for those kind of climatic conditions in Bangalore...

But, it appears the City is moving fast, clearing the greenaries and the lakes cover... which is also one of the reason for this harsh Weather....AS our Father of Nation Shri. Mahatma
Gandhiji rightly pointed — 'The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed.' 

Bangalore is famous for its pre- pre monsoon showers fondly called " Mango Shower"... but now where is that?  No showers and No mangoes!!!!

Some solutions:-

It is not too late, in the existing available vacant lands, clusters of green covers can be developed, and massive plantation drives and afforestation schemes can be done on priority basis with the whole hearted support of the citizens can bring back the old pleasant climatic conditions back to Bangalore....

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