Wednesday, March 29, 2006

todays SMS

"These are some of the romantic countries in the world.
H.O.L.L.A.N.D. - Hope Our Love Lasts And Never Dies.
I.T.A.L.Y. - I Trust And Love You.
L.I.B.Y.A. - Love Is Beautiful; You Also.
F.R.A.N.C.E. - Friendships Remain And Never Can End...."

Praying rock

Really amazing, This is AWESOME! Tilt your head to the left to see the picture. You will be amazed at what you see. Look at the entire length of the picture...... I dont know the authenticity of this picture, which I got from email, but if we tilt our head and view this picture, combined with the reflection of water, we could see one mother and son praying in folded hands!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Right Job for the Right Person!!!!


Put about 100 bricks in some particular order in a closed room with anopenwindow.Then send 2 or 3 candidates in the room and close the door.Leave them alone and come backafter few hours and then analyze the situation.

If they are counting the bricks.
Put them in the accounts department.

If they are recounting them..
Put them in auditing.

If they have messed up the whole place with the bricks.
Put them in engineering.

If they are arranging the bricks in some strange order.
Put them in planning.

If they are throwing the bricks at each other.
Put them in operations.

If they are sleeping.
Put them in security.

If they have broken the bricks into pieces.
Put them in information technology.

If they are sitting idle.
Put them in human resources.

If they say they have tried different combinations, yet not a brick hasbeen moved.
Put them in sales.

If they have already left for the day.
Put them in marketing.

If they are staring out of the window.
Put them on strategic planning.

If they crushed any 20 bricks to a fine powder..
Put them in QC.

And then last but not least.If they are talking to each other and not a single brick has been moved.
Congratulate them and put them in top management.

Technology Car

WOW this Car- SPLASH is amazing, it can travel in both Land and in Water- ie 2 in 1!!!

Rainwater harvesting?!

Really innovative?!!

The Spanish Computer

The Spanish Computer

A Spanish teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine. "House" for instance, is feminine: "la casa.""Pencil," however, is masculine: "el lapiz."

A student asked, "What gender is 'computer'?

"Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two groups, male and female, and asked them to decide for themselves whether "computer" should be a masculine or a feminine noun.

Each group was asked to give four reasons for its recommendation.

The men's group decided that "computer" should definitely be of the feminine gender
("la computadora"),
1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic;
2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else;
3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later retrieval; and
4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it.(THIS GETS BETTER!)

The women's group, however, concluded that computers should be Masculine ("el computador"),
1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on;
2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves;
3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem; and 4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if you had waited a little longer, you could have gotten a better model.

The women won

Saturday, March 25, 2006

message for the day

Mistakes are painful when they happen...
But years later a collection of mistakes
is called EXPERIENCE
which leads you to SUCCESS.

I have seen this message in a blog(reasonable) and was impressed.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

tribute to World Meterological Day

Today March 23rd is being celebrated as WMD world over.The world is being battered by cyclones, earth quakes, snow storms, droughts, tsunamis - the meterological information may be more relevant due to changes in weather patterns. This picture from NGC, which beautifully portraits the arrival of impending thunder strom from a higher altitude.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

sweet story

We are all unique individuals who have our own share of contributions to this world, sometimes even without being aware of them. There are times when little setbacks tend to magnify certain attributes in us and project them as huge flaws. But little do we realize that those are the qualities that make us so special.

Here is a sweet story illustrate my view…

A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole, which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water.
At the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full. For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water to his house.
Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect for which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do.
After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you. I have been able to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house. Because of my flaws, you have to do a lot of this work, and you don't get full value from your efforts," the pot said.
The bearer said to the pot, "Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side? That is because I have always known about your flaw, and I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you've watered them.
For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house."


Each of us has our own unique flaws. We're all cracked pots. But its the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding.

Friday, March 17, 2006

creative Invitation

this is really creative marriage Invitation indeed!!!

chemistry of W


Basic Characteristics:

1. Symbol: - W.
2. Occurrence: - Occurs where ever Man exists.
3. Preparation: - By product of Humanity.

Physical properties

1. Mult i-color ed.
2. Often sour but some times test very sweet even some times poisonous sweet (so u can't predict its test).
3. Usual harmless at normal temperature & pressure, but deadly poison under certain conditions.
4. Variable Density (the only substance that can change its Density even at every second, so science is still unable to calculate its Density).
5. Boils: if ordered to be quiet, but freezes at anything (Like some; Kind words).
6. Dead Slow: if prepared for parties, but with speed of light only for shopping.
7. Melts when properly treated (it is better to be started with gift).
8. Very, very brittle to rough handling (so be careful, could be dangerous).

Chemical Properties:

1. Possesses Great affinity for things like Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Precious Stones, Beautiful Dresses etc…
2. Violent Reaction if left alone.
3. Able to absorb great amount of air and praise.
4. De-Colorizes when ever placed beside a better looking specimen.
5. Under low pressure its volume increases to anonymous amount; irrespective of any known Gas Laws.
6. Soluble in "Dilute Flatterous acid", but Highly reactive in "any flirtious Base".
7. Gives dense white fumes with "Insultic Acid".
8. When mixed with other specimen; produces endless chattering noise.

9. Highly Radioactive.


1. Highly ornamental.
2. May be used as catalyst for improving low spirits.
3. It is best ever known as income reducing agent.
4. Also it is great tension reducing agent (only if shared).
5. May be used as slow and sweet poison.
6. Has soothing and refreshing action under certain conditions.

7. The only substance; has infinite ability of carrying burdens (even if over loaded)


1. Highly explosive in inexperienced hands.
2. Having very little capacity of handling secrets.


Amazingly; Hardest and Softest, Most Reactive and Most Absorbent (at same time) ever known substance, So be careful if you have this substance under known conditions (as girl-friend or as wife), One thing more; this is only substance that has ever thrust for LOVE, so keep loving this substance and don't worry; it will multiply your love with unknown number & return it BACK TO YOU.
(courtesy:- from email)

Thursday, March 16, 2006


A380, WORLD'S LARGEST COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT, SUCCESSFULLY TAKES TO THE SKIES- when the first A380, the world's largest commercial aircraft, successfully took off on its maiden flight leaving Blagnac International Airport in Toulouse, France. Massive flying machines indeed!!!

Bike flying

The picture is amazing, but what happened to the rider?!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

amazing isnt?

I got this picture thru email, but really how he defies the gravity???

Monday, March 13, 2006

great tamil movies

Trying to list out my most all time favourite tamil cinemas!!

1. Nenjil ore Aalayam (Director Mr.Sridhar )
2. Karnan ( Great Shivaji)
3. Saami ( Vikram's masterpiece)
4. Nayakan (Masterpiece of Manirathnam & Kamalhaasan)
5. Mogamul ( Great Art Movie - I like most may be for direction or for the plot)

The list is exhaustive but limiting to 5 only as I had used the yard stick of flow of movie and at the end one may surprise and ask" I dont know how 3 hours have gone". And even though if you watch the movie second time, you may feel that you are waiting it for the first time,,, agree??

Friday, March 10, 2006

Guidelines for Peace

Ten Guidelines From God
Effective immediately

Please be aware that there are changes YOU need to make in YOUR life.These changes need to be completed in order that I may fulfill Mypromisesto you to grant you peace, joy and happiness in this life. I apologizeforany inconvenience, but after all that I am doing, this seems very littletoask of you. Please follow these 10 guidelines.

1. QUIT WORRYING: Life has dealt you a blow and all you do is sit and worry. Have youforgotten that I am here to take all your burdens and carry them foryou? Ordo you just enjoy fretting over every little thing that comes your way?

2. PUT IT ON THE LIST: Something needs done or taken care of. Put it on the list. No, notYOURlist. Put it on MY to-do-list. Let ME be the one to take care of theproblem. I can't help you until you turn it over to Me. And although Myto-do-list is long, I am after all...God. I can take care of anythingyouput into My hands. In fact, if the truth were ever really known, I takecareof a lot of things for you that you never even realize.

3. TRUST ME: Once you've given your burdens to Me, quit trying to take them back.Trustin Me. Have the faith that I will take care of all your needs, yourproblemsand your trials. Problems with the kids? Put them on My list. Problemwithfinances? Put it on My list. Problems with your emotional rollercoaster?For My sake, put it on My list. I want to help you. All you have to doisask.

4. LEAVE IT ALONE: Don't wake up one morning and say, "Well, I'm feeling much strongernow, Ithink I can handle it from here." Why do you think you are feelingstrongernow? It's simple. You gave Me your burdens and I'm taking care of them.Ialso renew your strength and cover you in my peace. Don't you know thatif Igive you these problems back, you will be right back where you started?Leave them with Me and forget about them. Just let Me do my job.

5. TALK TO ME: I want you to forget a lot of things. Forget what was making youcrazy.Forget the worry and the fretting because you know I'm in control. Butthere's one thing I pray you never forget. Please, don't forget to talktome - OFTEN! I love YOU! I want to hear your voice. I want you to includemein on the things going on in your life. I want to hear you talk aboutyourfriends and family. Prayer is simply you having a conversation with me.Iwant to be your dearest friend.

6. HAVE FAITH: I see a lot of things from up here that you can't see from where youare.Have faith in Me that I know what I'm doing. Trust me; you wouldn't wanttheview from My eyes. I will continue to care for you, watch over you, andmeetyour needs. You only have to trust Me. Although I have a much biggertaskthan you, it seems as if you have so much trouble just doing your simplepart. How hard can trust be?

7. SHARE: You were taught to share when you were only two years old. When didyouforget? That rule still applies. Share with those who are less fortunatethan you. Share your joy with those who need encouragement. Share yourlaughter with those who haven't heard any in such a long time. Shareyourtears with those who have forgotten how to cry. Share your faith withthosewho have none.

8. BE PATIENT: I managed to fix it so in just one lifetime you could have so manydiverseexperiences. You grow from a child to an adult, have children, changejobsmany times, learn many trades, travel to so many places, meet thousandsofpeople, and experience so much. How can you be so impatient then when ittakes Me a little longer than you expect to handle something on Myto-do-list? Trust in My timing, for My timing is perfect. Just because Icreated the entire universe in only six days, everyone thinks I shouldalways rush, rush, rush.
9. BE KIND: Be kind to others, for I love them just as much as I love you. Theymaynot dress like you, or talk like you, or live the same way you do, but Istill love you all. Please try to get along, for My sake. I created eachofyou different in some way. It would be too boring if you were allidentical.Please, know I love each of your differences.

10. LOVE YOURSELF: As much as I love you, how can you not love yourself? You were createdbyme for one reason only -- to be loved, and to love in return. I am a GodofLove. Love Me. Love your neighbors. But also love yourself. It makes myheart ache when I see you so angry with yourself when things go wrong.Youare very precious to me. Don't ever forget......


Hate me for what I am,
Love me for what I am not...
"Winners Don't Do Different Things,
They Do Things Differently"

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Desert Beauty

Contrary to the popular belief about DESERTS, this picture shows plenty of life in the desert!!!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Search is common to human,
at child hood we search for parental affection,
at youth search for knowledge, pleasure, & happiness,
at old age search for wisdom & peace,


Search is end-less,
Search is deceptive,
not at all times the search
ends with attainment of what one searches,
it is like the birds search for something which is not there!!!

lone tree

This picture is truely amazing, the endless sky the lone tree and mystic colour and glossy green grass- this picture evokes unexplainable feelings to me, what about you???

change-nice advt

Good advertisement - Change is inevitable and Change is permanent, but change is also bad, agree???
