Friday, March 17, 2006

chemistry of W


Basic Characteristics:

1. Symbol: - W.
2. Occurrence: - Occurs where ever Man exists.
3. Preparation: - By product of Humanity.

Physical properties

1. Mult i-color ed.
2. Often sour but some times test very sweet even some times poisonous sweet (so u can't predict its test).
3. Usual harmless at normal temperature & pressure, but deadly poison under certain conditions.
4. Variable Density (the only substance that can change its Density even at every second, so science is still unable to calculate its Density).
5. Boils: if ordered to be quiet, but freezes at anything (Like some; Kind words).
6. Dead Slow: if prepared for parties, but with speed of light only for shopping.
7. Melts when properly treated (it is better to be started with gift).
8. Very, very brittle to rough handling (so be careful, could be dangerous).

Chemical Properties:

1. Possesses Great affinity for things like Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Precious Stones, Beautiful Dresses etc…
2. Violent Reaction if left alone.
3. Able to absorb great amount of air and praise.
4. De-Colorizes when ever placed beside a better looking specimen.
5. Under low pressure its volume increases to anonymous amount; irrespective of any known Gas Laws.
6. Soluble in "Dilute Flatterous acid", but Highly reactive in "any flirtious Base".
7. Gives dense white fumes with "Insultic Acid".
8. When mixed with other specimen; produces endless chattering noise.

9. Highly Radioactive.


1. Highly ornamental.
2. May be used as catalyst for improving low spirits.
3. It is best ever known as income reducing agent.
4. Also it is great tension reducing agent (only if shared).
5. May be used as slow and sweet poison.
6. Has soothing and refreshing action under certain conditions.

7. The only substance; has infinite ability of carrying burdens (even if over loaded)


1. Highly explosive in inexperienced hands.
2. Having very little capacity of handling secrets.


Amazingly; Hardest and Softest, Most Reactive and Most Absorbent (at same time) ever known substance, So be careful if you have this substance under known conditions (as girl-friend or as wife), One thing more; this is only substance that has ever thrust for LOVE, so keep loving this substance and don't worry; it will multiply your love with unknown number & return it BACK TO YOU.
(courtesy:- from email)

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