Thursday, September 28, 2006

lessons for life - for peace n happiness

We are constantly searching for peace of mind and Happiness. But due to some reasons or other it eludes us. For many happiness is like a mirage. I had read an article which gives method of achieving Happiness and mental peace, worth reading....

Happiness has different meanings for everyone; we each have to define and seek it for ourselves.

Steps:1. Figure out what is important to you in life. For example: Do you value a certain kind of job, material things, a relationship, time alone, time with others, time to relax, time to be creative, time to read, time to listen to music, time to have fun? These are just a few of the possibilities.

2. Think about times when you have felt happy, good or content. Where were you? Who were you with? What were you doing, thinking or feeling that made you feel happy?

3. Decide to make more time in your life to do more of what is important to you and makes you feel happier. To be happy, you have to make happiness a priority in your life.

4. Start with little things and work up to bigger ones. Little things might be reading for 15 minutes; taking a walk; doing exercise, calling a friend; or, sweets, candles or tea that you will enjoy every time you use it.

5. Focus on what is positive about yourself, others and life in general instead of dwelling on the negative. In a journal, write down as many positive things as you can think of. Keep it handy to read over, and continue adding to it.

6. Appreciate what is working in your life right now. In the major areas of your life, such as your health, job, love life, friends, family, money and living situation, what is going well?


Ask other people, "What makes you happy?" or "What is something that makes you feel good?"

It's OK to ask for professional help. Talk to someone like a psychotherapist, career counselor, or spiritual advisor to help you sort out what would make you happy.

Read books on the subject of happiness and peace of mind. Wise people have been writing about it for hundreds of years. In the bookstore, look under psychology, spirituality or philosophy.

my courtesy and thanks to:-

If you follow some the tips, gradually you can condition your mind towards peace of mind and happiness will be in your doorsteps.

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