Tuesday, September 26, 2006

wow useful in day today life

During my recent Japan visit I observed the following:-
Japanese have penchant for innovation. They like minature things, many items are handy, small, cute and soft. Even the wash basins and sanitary wares are tiny and attached with electronic gadgets. Tokyo is well connected by railways, metro, underground trains and city transportation is well networked. Observed that people meditates (sleeps!!) during morning and evening metro train travel, or playing in their mobiles. But not disturbing others but loud talks. Japanese are very friendly, courteous and punctual. The city is spick and span and hard to find filth or waste plastic papers or covers. could not find dogs, cows roaming in any part of the roads. Could find automatic vendor machines in roads to purchase bottled water, soda, colas or fruit juices.
I received some of the Japanese petty inventions by email and wish to share as they are cute and really useful in our day to day life.

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