Saturday, October 28, 2006


The embodiment of compassion,
Transformed in Physical form,
Comprises of selfless love and affection,
Ability to appreciate,
Encourage in times of Failures
Capacity to Forgive,
Acceptance even there are faults,
Always thinking of welfare of others,
Self Sacrifice for the happiness of others,
Provides motivation to acheive,
Correcting the faults,
Imbibing noble values..
Always laughing,
Eagerly hearing our pranks and jokes,
Caring for small small things evenafter when we grow old,
remind us of each and every things,
serving our needs with dedication,
providing solance when worrying
Giving enthusiasm by narratating incidents

But why God has taken you such hurrily,

Search for you,
In the crowded markets, streets and in the bazaars,
I could see faces in the crowds,
But desperately looking for your face,
Ofcourse I could find faces
but I couldnot
find a loving and charming face,
full of affection like yours,

Seeking your blessings from the Heavan, always.

A tribute to my beloved mother.

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