Wednesday, October 18, 2006


This is in southern tip of India, Tamil Nadu, Famous statue of Tiruvalluvar, an incredible Tamil Poet, who wrote universally applicable tamil peom called Tirukkural.

This is one of the grand temple - Thanjavur Bragadeeswarar temple, a marvalous temple to visit. The sculptures are real treat to eyes.

Green fertile plans of tamil nadu

She shores in Tamil Nadu, fishing is an important industry in Tamil Nadu

Fertile plains and awaiting monsoon rains!!!! with blue cloud covers proclaiming anytime it may rain!!!

These pictures evokes a nostaligic feeling as these are pictures of Tamil Nadu, the place where I studied and spend my child hood to college days, Tamil Nadu is truely a place of rich diversity in terms of nature, Tamil Nadu encompasses sea and sea-shores, fertile plains, forests, and Hilly regions. Also have a beautiful waterfalls named Cuttralam, and Tamil nadu is the only state in India which is bestowed with the special phenomena of "North East Monsoon rains", wherein the state received more than 50% of the annual rain fall. Tamil Nadu stands apart in cultural diversity also. One can find plenty of temples with high rising Gopurams, some of the temples are unmatched in architectural splendours.. the devine and silence of the temples with wishpers of the bats is an experience by itself, and cannot be descriped and could only be experienced!!!! I received these snaps of Tamil nadu from a email. See it and enjoy

1 comment:

sayoko said...

wow, incredibly beautiful.... i love monsoon seasons too! massive lightenings and thunders.... watching them with a can of beer...