Wednesday, November 30, 2011

second cycle of sparrows

After clearing the pigeon debris, the sparrows again started the second nesting cycle.

It appears that the sparrows are undaunted by the disturbances caused by the pigeons and perhaps layed its eggs in the nest box. The second nesting cycle started around October end.

on November 10th, our maid servant shown a small still born chick in the balcony. how it came out and when it was thrown out, nobody knowns.

By then, we could see the chirping sound from the sparrow box.

From november 12th onwards, the parent sparrows start continous feeding. we should learn a thing or other from them, as it tirelessly caring for its young ones. I could see continous shuttling of both father and mother sparrows to feed the young. I could say per hour atleast 15 trips, this stars from morning 6.00am to evening 6.00pm. Some times, if I put the balcony light, the mother sparrow used to come out and pick from the feeder and feed to the young ones.

Around November 18th could see the young one peeping out of the hole to receive the feedings. Wonder.. this time, two healthy baby birds inside...

Around Nov 25th.. both the young birds compete each other to poke their beaks and face outside to receive the feeds!!! And some times almost the full body outside the hole.. and the mother bird finds itself in a precarious position, as it did not find a place to balance for feeding!!!

Over the past three week, I could enjoy the chirping sound of the sparrows, from morning to night continous chirping, it becomes a habit and felt like nice vibration and some life or movement in the home..

I was looking for good opportunity to click those pictures of mother feeding the young birds.. On monday i.e 28th Nov.. I was gearing to take an ideal shot as; by then both the chicks are grown... but alas... before clicking both the young birds taken its maiden flight and never to return...

yes ofcourse, the parent sparrows, comes to feeder.. but now the sparrow nest is empty...

but.. now i could feel some thing missing, those nice chirping sound of the young ones.. awaiting for the third cycle...

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